Friday, February 24, 2012


The Walking Dead is a perfect television show for those who want to be creeped out and always wondering what is going to happen next.  The main character wakes up after an accident and is surrounded by zombies and dead bodies.  He is forced to survive pretty much on his own because the majority of the living people were either killed or transformed into a zombie.  Everything in this television show seems so realistic, and I mean everything.  There were amazing graphics, and the blood and gory zombies looked so real!  They were disgusting and creepy!  The gun shot wounds looked so real when the zombies' heads spewed blood from the impact of the bullets.  Every cut, gaping wound, and even bodies that were torn apart looked completely real and the blood did not look fake or silly.  All of the sound effects were crystal clear, from the car crash to all of the gun shots.  One thing I noticed was that there were not too many songs that played in the background.  I noticed only two songs toward the beginning, but the majority of the show has no background noise.  However, this really adds suspense to the show.  The silence intensifies the creepiness and the horror that is in the future for the characters.

Personally, it was my first time ever watching the show.  I was gripping my note book the whole time because of the suspense.  I was constantly thinking that something bad was about to happen, and even though I was scared and creeped out (horror and blood/gore would not be my first choice in a show or movie), I could not peel my eyes away.  

As a general rating, I would give this show a 5 out of 5 simply because it does exactly what a television show is supposed to do; keep the audience's eyes glued to the screen and wanting to keep watching more episodes.


  1. Written Peer Review:

    1.) Review's overall focus:

    The review gives more than the writer's opinion. You talk about why the show is great. One sentence that I think that you can use to write a more effective review would be, "He is forced to survive pretty much on his own because the majority of the living people were either killed or transformed into a zombie." You can talk about what he has to do specifically in order to survive and give some examples of how he does this.

    2.) Overall Organization:

    The organization of the review is good. It didn't jump around or go off track.

    3.) Paragraph sticks to one idea? :

    In order to have smooth transitions you should break up the first paragraph into a small paragraph with the intro sentence and another paragraph about the plot summary. You should add more to the plot summary.

    4.) Consistency of Main Point:

    The main point is consistent and doesn't state the same thing. The review ends with "gusto" when you talk about the rating that you give the show and why you gave it that rating. After reading this review I want to watch the show based on the rating that was given.

    5.) Questions, Suggestions, Risk:

    After reading this summary I would still like to know more about the plot summary. "How does he try to survive?" "What does he have to do in order to survive?"

    As for the risks you do take risks when you state that "The Walking Dead" is a perfect television show, that you give the show a 5 out of 5 rating, and when you put out negatives and re-word them to be positive. The risk with re-wording negatives into positives is if it's worded incorrectly it wouldn't have the intended effect.

  2. Katie this review is very interesting! I think you did a good job at first giving a bias free summary of the episode you saw before giving the readers your opinion. I just started watching this show and I'm with you on the blood and gore aspect, but the characters and their stories keep me locked in. The most attractive part of your review is the part where you describe how you felt while you were watching it, when you talk about how it had you gripping your notebook afraid of what would happen next, because it gives a clear idea of what this show does and how it really gets it's viewers involved. Though you could have gone into some more detail about WHY you gave the show a five I think its a good review, definitely gave me a sense of what kind of a show this is and how you felt about it :)
